Monday, September 7, 2009

more uses for peanuts and a druken pie crust

last week i took an unexpected trip to hawai'i to visit with my grandfather, who was in the hospital.  we weren't sure if he was going to make it out of the hospital, and all of his kids and grandkids flew in to see him.  it's a testimony to the power of love that he turned around from having "eight toes in the grave" as my dad says, to coming home and back into his element surrounded by family.  thank you to all of you whose aloha and support made that possible.

in honor of popsie, this post deals with two of his favorite food things: peanuts and apple pie.
for months i've had a bag of raw peanuts in my cupboard leaftover from making boiled peanuts a while back.  boiled peanuts are a favorite of popsie's, though he can't really eat them now that he's on a salt-restrictive diet.  since it was quite a while ago that those peanuts were fresh, i wasn't sure if they were still good to boil and eat, so i decided to sprout them.  i remembered a sprout vendor on kaua'i who sells little ziplock baggies of peanut sprouts - which are fresh and nutty and nothing like roasted peanuts - so i decided to make my own.  i shelled those little buggers and soaked them in water over night, then plopped them into the sproutman bag (which is supposed to reduce mold and such, but you can sprout these in a jar or even between moist paper towels because you're only sprouting for a couple of days).  peanut sprouts are ready to munch when they have little tadpole tails sticking out like this:

they're great sprinkled in salad, or just by themselves like regular peanuts.  i highly recommend peanuts for sprouting - if you have access to raw peanuts (mine came from the korean grocer up the block, where they were labeled "law peanuts" - no joke), they're super quick and easy to sprout and taste amazing.
i also saved a couple of these peanut sprouts and planted them in little pots in the window sill, just to see what would come of them, and it was so exciting.

the peanut surfaced in the soil and then split open to reveal the a little plant in the middle.  under sele's care while we were gone visiting popsie they flourished and now look like this:

i'll keep you posted if they start bearing peanuts.
on my last day in honolulu i baked an apple pie (popsie's favorite - again, without salt).  i hadn't baked an apple pie in quite a while, so i based my recipe loosely on this one from smitten kitchen.  my aunty wanda had a good suggestion to reduce the liquid in the pie filling - which inevitably leaks out of the apples while they bake and then makes your crust all soggy- microwaving the apples for a few minutes to allow them to release their juices.

i tried this, and then boiled down the juice until is was thick and sticky and added it back in.  i guess i didn't microwave them long enough, though, since the pie was full of liquid when it came out of the oven anyway.  now i know for next time.  i didn't have any on hand at my grandparents' house, but a good trick i learned from cook's illustrated is to use half vodka, half water for the liquid in your pie crust.  using vodka solves that problem i always have, where i'm afraid of adding too much water to my pie dough so it becomes chewy and not crispy, but then i don't add enough liquid and it's crumbly and really hard to roll out and work with.  using vodka allows your dough to be moist enough to be easy to work with, but then it evaporates in the oven, leaving your crust crispy.  the reason this works is that the ethanol in vodka doesn't bond to the gluten in the flour the way water does.  here's an npr story on the "pie dough crisis" - in which chris kimball explains the vodka secret.

the crust turned out fine without the vodka (other than the excess pie filling liquid issue), which may have been in part due to our inability to wait for the pie to cool down before digging in.  here you can see popsie encouraging the pie to cool.


Unknown said...

thanks for the idea of peanut sprouts, they sound delicious and nutricious! regarding the peanut plant, i have grown them in MD and you should know that most of the plant is underground and they need a lot of space to spread their roots (like a potato or yam). It may be different in a pot. Good luck and thanks for all your creative and interesting posts.

kasha said...

thanks for your heads up on the underground portion of the peanut plant, Harold. that's really good to know. We'll see what happens in the pot.

Katy said...

Hi Kasha -

I'm happy that your grandpa is okay, and I love the look of that pie!

Tim and Melissa said...

kasha, i really like this post. you and your popsie have an incredible bond, it really is very touching.
thank you for sharing the tip on sprouting peanuts, and especially the great picture of your popsie!